I saw The Runaways yesterday, and it wasn't very good, but reminded me of how much I love Dakota Fanning, and how I hope she turns out like my absolute favourite child to adult star ever, Drew Barrymore. Drew Barrymore inspires me as a human being. She inspires me in all facets of life.
As an actress: Drew is without a doubt one of the most charming, natural romantic comedy actors working today. And that shit ain't easy, the good ones just make it look really easy. She could easily rest on her laurels and just churn out romcom after romcom but instead seems to be constantly challenging herself as an artist with fascinating choices like Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Grey Gardens, Donnie Darko. Even when she is just doing romantic comedies, I notice she's always trying something different in terms of small character traits- the girl in Wedding Singer is vastly different from the girl in Never Been Kissed or the girl in Ever After.
As a businesswoman: Drew Barrymore is waaaaaaaay more powerful than you might think! I mean yes, she comes from a Hollywood dynasty, but she's also built her own legacy. She started the Flower Power production company which produces box office gangbusters like Charlie's Angels and has also started directing with this past fall's quality girl power movie, Whip It!
As a genuine humane person: every interview I see or read with Drew makes me love her even more. She seems sweet, hilarious, intelligent and more than willing to poke fun at herself. NEVER MISS DREW ON LETTERMAN. Their rapport is mesmerizing.
As an example to overcome all obstacles: Yeah she was a drug and alcohol addict at an age when the only thing she should have been hooked on was Phonics, but the fact that she had those huge problems in her way and STILL managed to turn out so terrific is just another reason to admire.
At the end of the day, Drew's involvement with any film, whether through acting or directing or producing, will guarantee my admission because she is a stamp of QUALITY. Look at that resume!! ET, Scream, Fever Pitch, He's Just Not That Into You, plus all the other movies mentioned in this post. Drew means amazingness. I will defend her honor to the day I die!!!